Image of top of sanford building. Taken from ground level



Browse Sanford OccMed’s available webinars to learn more about OccMed, the services we provide and how we can advance the health of your business. Watch past webinars or register for upcoming ones to get the latest information. 

Upcoming Webinars   

Important DOT Exam Updates for Drivers and Companies
When: Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 11 a.m. (CT)

Learn about important updates to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) guidelines for Department of Transportation (DOT) exams and the commercial driver’s license (CDL) medical card process. During our February webinar, we’ll review the 2024 FMCSA Medical Examiners Handbook and discuss what your company and drivers need to know to meet current guidelines.

Presented by:

  • David Saxon, MD, medical officer, Sanford OccMed and employee health

Register Today

Previous Webinars

Guarding Your Mental Health – Empowering Employee Well-Being
When: Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2025 at 11 a.m. (CT)

Make your employees' emotional well-being a priority. During this webinar, we will dive into the importance of workplace mental health. Our occupational medicine expert will discuss common challenges and practical strategies to create a supportive and healthy work environment.

Presented by:

  • Kara Kreft, DNP, Sanford OccMed


Injury Prevention in the Workplace Today
Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Help keep your employees safe by creating a safe work environment. During our November webinar, we’ll review risk factors that could lead to injury, screening tools that can help you identify potential injury risks, and other wellness tips.

Work-related injuries – Addressing restrictions
Wednesday, October 23, 2024

It’s an employer’s responsibility to help their employees return safely to work following a work-related injury. The goal of this webinar is to help employers understand work-related injuries and correctly interpret the restrictions that have been given to their employee.

Promoting Vaccination in the Workplace
When: Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Take action to keep your workplace healthy this flu season. During this webinar, you’ll learn about the importance of flu vaccine, benefits of offering it at your workplace, and the methods to promote and host a flu vaccination clinic. Our presenters will provide an overview of precautions and procedures you can put into place to protect employees by reducing the spread of the seasonal flu.

Hearing Conservation
When: Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Hearing conservation methods help prevent hearing loss from noise exposure in the workplace. During this webinar, David Saxon, MD, medical officer for Sanford OccMed, and Rachel Simon, director of OccMed Direct clinic operations, will go over what resources and services Sanford OccMed has available to help keep your employees protected against workplace hearing loss. 

Heat Related Illnesses
When: Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Summer is here and it’s time to safeguard against heat-related illnesses to keep your employees safe. During this webinar, David Saxon, MD, medical officer for Sanford OccMed and employee health, will cover the most common heat-related illnesses that could impact your employees, including heat exhaustion and heat stroke. You will learn about prevention during the summer months and how to recognize early symptoms and take action.  

North Dakota Workforce Safety & Insurance Ergonomic Initiative Grant Program
When: Wednesday, June 19, 2024

During this webinar, you will learn about the North Dakota Workforce Safety & Insurance’s (ND WSI) Ergonomic Initiative Grant Program and the resources it provides for employers. As part of this program, Sanford OccMed provides ergonomic evaluations to help employers understand how to improve their workspaces and the physical health of their staffs. 

Sanford OccMed therapists Grant Judah and Bryce Nelson will be joined by Randy Wegge, ND WSI’s ergonomics coordinator, to discuss the program and its benefits. They’ll cover employer eligibility, the application process and how grant funds can be used. 

Employer Portal Tutorial
When: Wednesday, May 22, 2024

During this webinar you will learn about the new Sanford OccMed web-based employer portal. This employer portal will ensure that companies get timely results from the services their employees complete at our clinics. 

Throughout the webinar, Sanford OccMed’s Aaron Isaak, business development manager, and Sandy Wiertzema, applications manager, will provide a demo of our employer portal. They’ll show you new convenient features, including email notifications, upgrades to how you view results and invoices, as well as the ability to make payments directly on the portal. 

Oral Fluid Testing

When: Wednesday, Mar. 20, 2024
Presenter: David Saxon, MD

During this webinar, you will learn about oral fluid testing and why it’s been gaining popularity as an alternative to traditional methods of drug testing. The webinar will go over the benefits and drawbacks of oral fluid testing. 

Join David Saxon, MD, chief medical review officer, and Aaron Isaak, senior director of business operations, as they share what you need to know about oral fluid testing.

The Life of Drug Collection

When: Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024

During this webinar, you will learn about the drug testing life cycle, including the various processes and potential issues that can impact turnaround times. This webinar will include a panel of experts to help shed light on the details of the process. 

Our panel of experts will include:

  • David Kuntz, PhD, executive director of analytical toxicology from Clinical Reference Laboratory
  • David Saxon, MD
  • Stephannie Knutson, learning and development specialist at Sanford OccMed

Join us as they present an overall view of the life cycle of a drug test, including collection, delivery, laboratory testing and reporting.  

North Dakota Workforce Safety & Insurance: Serve and Protect Program

When: Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024

Sanford Health Occupational Medicine and North Dakota Workforce Safety & Insurance are teamed up to discuss ND WSI’s Serve & Protect Program. This program is a new program focused on offsetting the costs of routine medical exams for both paid, full-time Firefighters and Law Enforcement Officers. Our webinar will cover the details within the Serve & Protect program, which employers are eligible to utilize this program, as well as looking at what medical service options are required under ND Century Code and what additional services are available to help keep your workforce healthy and safe.


Webinar Archive

2023 Webinars

Reacting to Marijuana Legalization and Workplace Safety Policies

When: Wednesday, September 27, 2023

We will be hosting a Webinar regarding the NEW Minnesota Legalization of Marijuana Law that recently passed. MN House File 100 has made it legal to use recreational marijuana in MN. This greatly impacts employers and their existing drug and alcohol testing policies. We will look at how this law impacts a company's existing drug and alcohol policies. 

What to do with Employee Audiograms?

When: Wednesday, August 30, 2023

This webinar is an overview of the OSHA Hearing Conservation Program with an in depth look at audiograms. How are they interpreted? What is a standard threshold shift (STS)? When does the provider change the baseline? When do you write the STS into the OSHA 300 log? What about other frequency hearing loss? What is the difference between OSHA and MSHA interpretation of audiograms? These questions and more will be explained in simple lay person’s terms.

Heat Related Injuries

When: Wednesday, June 21, 2023

This webinar is about the dangers of dehydration when working in the summer hot weather. Dr. Saxon will provide tips for recognizing, preventative measures and treating heat related injuries: Heat exhaustion and Heat Stroke. 

The Impact of Psychosocial Issues on Work-related Injuries

When: Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The long-term outcome of work-related injuries varies greatly with identical injuries. Dr. Blanchard will review how pre-existing psychosocial problems affect the outcome of these injuries. He will review how the occupational provider assesses these pre-existing conditions and how to decrease bad outcomes with seemingly minor work-related injuries. He will also outline how employers can create workplace that limits these psychosocial risks.

Mental Health’s Impact on the Workplace

When: Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Dr. Blanchard will introduce the topic of mental health difficulties and the major impact they have on the workplace. Additionally, Dr. Marie Schaaf-Gallagher, a clinical neuropsychologist from Sanford Health, will discuss the common mental health issues affecting the workplace and how they cause difficulties. She’ll also give tips on identifying the symptoms and what we can do when we notice individuals struggling with these symptoms.

Injury Management - Finding the correct DMP for your work injuries

When: Wednesday, Mar. 15, 2023

This webinar is about finding a medical provider that best fits your company's needs when you experience a work injury. What do you look for in a DMP? How will they work with your company? How do they interact with safety personnel? What criteria is needed to ensure good medical care and getting the employee back to work?

Work-Related Injury Prevention: What Can a Company Do?

When: Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023

Dr. Blanchard will review the impact that minor injuries have on a company's workers compensation claim experience and suggest how a company can reduce the negative impact of these minor claims. Grant Judah Sanford OccMed's senior physical therapist will discuss interventions to help reduce these minor injuries.

The Legalization of Marijuana - Medical versus Recreational Now What?

When: Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023

The legalization of Marijuana is making its way through the country. Dr. Blanchard will review the progression of the legalization and the implications for employers and their substance abuse policy. He will discuss ways to lessen the legal discrimination risk and yet provide a safe work environment.

2022 Webinars

Introduction to Reasonable Suspicion Process in the Workplace

When: Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022

Dr. Blanchard will review the importance of knowing how to handle situations at work where drug or alcohol use is suspected. He will stress the importance of assessing impairment with Marijuana use. Stephannie Knutson, Sanford OccMed's expert on reasonable suspicion training will outline the steps required to have a usable plan to assess unusual behavior at the worksite. This will allow supervisors to follow the employer's drug testing policy.

Cold Injury Awareness

When: Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2022

Keep your workers safe in the coming winter months by learning about the dangers of frostbite and hypothermia in the workplace. Dr. Saxon will provide tips on recognizing, preventing and providing first-aid treatments for cold injuries.

Drug Testing Update: Electronic Chains of Custody and New Drug Testing Panels 

When: Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The drug testing world is changing. Drugs currently being abused have changed over the last several years. Dr. Blanchard will review updated suggestions for drug testing panels. Many companies are using drug panels created 10 years ago that may not reflect current drugs being used and these new panels will provide for better monitoring of drug use at your workplace and create a safer work site. Dr. Blanchard will discuss the availability of electronic chains of custody for collection only procedures to decrease errors at the collection sites and provide faster turnaround of results to companies.

DOT Medical Clearance Examination Update 

When: Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The DOT examination is an important part of improving safety on our highways. Helping drivers successfully complete this examination is crucial to addressing the current supply chain issues.

In this webinar, Dr. Blanchard reviews the updates to the DOT medical examination and provides information to motor carriers and commercial vehicle drivers to keep everyone informed about ever-changing regulations. Watch the presentation to help drivers better prepare for the DOT examination and successfully get a certification.

Sleep Deprivation: A Safety Issue

When: Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Wellness is an integral part of safety at the workplace. Sleep is one of the most crucial wellness components. Dr. Blanchard will review the effects of sleep deprivation on workplace safety. He will recommend actions an employer can take to lessen sleep deprivation and its adverse effects on the workplace.

Workplace Violence: The New Epidemic

When: Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Workplace violence is unfortunately very common. Dr. Blanchard will discuss the prevalence of workplace violence, high-risk workplaces and best practices to prevent violence in the workplace. 

OSHA Surveillance Examinations

When: Wednesday, June 22, 2022

The pandemic has interrupted many OSHA surveillance exams. As the risk of COVID-19 lessens, all the OSHA surveillance exams are back in the forefront. Dr. Blanchard will discuss the various OSHA surveillance standards so your company can remain compliant with the regulations.

Heat-Related Injuries

When: Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Join Dr. Saxon for a presentation on the dangers of dehydration when working in the summer heat. He’ll provide tips for preventing, recognizing and treating heat-related injuries, including heat exhaustion and heatstroke. 

Drug Testing in the Workplace: Process and Program Simplified

When: Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The drug testing process is complex. During this session, Dr. Blanchard will give an overview of the drug testing process, including collection, lab analysis and MRO review. He will discuss the strict regulatory environment and provide guidance for employers to ensure company programs are appropriate. He will review drug testing panel options available to screen for the most common drugs and how to accommodate the marijuana legalization trends. 


Cold Injury Awareness

When: Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Dr. Saxon will present information on frostbite and cold-related injuries. He will review preventive measures and initial first aid measures.

COVID-19 Update: The Omicron Variant, Boosters and Updated RTW Guidelines

When: Wednesday, February 9, 2022

In the never-ending world of change regarding COVID-19, join Dr. Blanchard as he provides an update on the omicron variant, the updated return-to-work guidance from the CDC and what employers can do to improve safety at the worksite with the Supreme Court blockage of the OSHA ETS.

2021 Webinars

Protecting your employee's hearing and the OSHA Hearing conservation program

When: Tuesday, June 22, 2021

One of the most common causes of an OSHA citation is company violation of the Hearing Conservation Program. Dr. Blanchard will discuss how to protect your employee's hearing and avoid an OSHA Hearing Conservation Program violation.

Download the FAQ from the webinar

DOT Update for Drivers and Motor Carriers

When: Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Dr. Saxon will review changes and updates to the DOT medical examination. He will discuss how this affects drivers and motor carriers and give suggestions on how to make the process more efficient.

Download the FAQ from this webinar

Marijuana Legalization Impacts on Drug Testing Programs

When: Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The northern plain states will all have legalized marijuana by this summer. This has a large impact on company drug testing policies and drug testing programs. Dr. Blanchard will review ways to navigate the conflicting federal and state laws to avoid discrimination, yet provide a safe workplace.

Download the FAQ from this webinar

Setting Up an Ergonomic Workspace at Home

When: Wednesday, February 17, 2021

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, new challenges arise as workers are sent home to work. Employers and employees alike were not prepared for the transition and lack sufficient means to resolve injuries due to poor workstation setup. Grant Judah, PT will review workstation issues and the injuries they cause for your at-home workforce and address interventions and tools to minimize the negative effects.

Learn how to set up an ergonomic workstation at home.